I want to introduce you to my world, where I live right now. There are deer frolicking freely in the Baltic forest, cranes soaring in the peaceful sky and magical ferns growing, fulfilling the wishes of those who know the magic word. The trees are so tall that they almost reach the sky, and the clouds are as light as dreams on a summer night. There is the softness of grass and moss, which is so pleasant to walk on barefoot. It is so easy to meet the eyes of a fox running past and even to understand its thoughts. And the best of all, you can hear the sounds of trees mixed with the singing of birds. If you fully immerse yourself in the symphony of this forest, it will tell you a new and exciting story of its inhabitants. 

This collection is filled with sounds from the peaceful flapping of wings, the rustling of grass and the sprouting of wildflowers, mushrooms, berries, and trees. 

I have collected these impressions in herbariums and bouquets of wild herbs during my time living surrounded by forests, listening to bird songs, and looking at the waves of the Baltic Sea. Now, my inspiration is reflected in this dreamy collection. 

This collection is available for licensing. Just contact me.